because of the group, most of the ELFs is leaving. wtf?
ELFs, i thought we are EVER LASTING FRIENDS?
if we are, then why are you joining "AF" ? what makes you chose such stupid decision?
"Terimakasih atas respon positif penduduk dunia terhadap grup ini. terbukti, pada 23/01/10 member grup ini sebanyak 1, 009 jiwa.
ini sekaligus menjadi bukti bahwa penduduk dunia MENOLAK dengan tegas ajaran gay dari SUPER JUNIOR!"
1, 009??? ELFs, where are you huh? we can't let the haters win. we can't let them try to spread bad stuff about oppa. please ELFs, please... please support oppa, they are wrong in every way!
i won't even "tobat" because it's oppa who i always love &support. are you haters fucking blind or what?
anti-suju comments :
rasanya gw pengen MUNTAH ngeliat KETOLOLAN2 Elf!!
ngapain jg kalian JILAT2!?!?
dasar PEREK2 BUSUK!!"
i do not understand any hell of you're saying but i know it's a bad thing. why do you even said stuff like that? looking at your picture doesn't make any sense because you're one of the fucgleh. you're worst than "busuk" if i have to admit right infront of "ANJING" face! i might as well PUKE at you!
some of them even commented "how much suju pay ELFs to protect them?" like hell, where is your fucking brain anyway? some of the ELFs never even meet them! suju will never do such thing! why are you so eagerly hating them? you're no better yourself so why judged super junior and elfs?
"Elf emang lucu dan TOLOL..
cowo2 GAY kok dipuja2 bagai TUHAN?!?!?
bener2 DUNGU!"
well yes, we do "PUJA" them but we didn't treat them as "TUHAN". do you even see the difference between the "anti-fans" stupidity in everything? on how lame you judged us? what are you? sex blocking monster? freak, you're being an ass.
and some of the comments were ELFs, i love you guys. i just can't say how much i really appreciated you, defending oppa. (': that's what real elfs are. now i know, they joined the group to protect suju, i am very glad on that fact elfs. "anti-suju" are really thought they're winning, they should know ELFs won't even back up. this make me smile, actually.
out of all comments, this one does attract my eyes. and my fingers to wrote it down (:
"BUAT PARA AF : q kasian liat kalian. kalian cuma bisa lari dari masalah pribadi kalian menyalahkan orang lain yang ga da hubungannya sama sekali.dan jadiin mereka sasaran dari kemarahan dan kebencian kalian(padahal kalian ga tau siapa sebenarnya mereka)...sayang sekali hidup mu kalo kayak gitu..tiap orang punya kelebihan ma kekurangan masing2 tau... See More...belajarlah buat menghargai perbedaan...belajar lah buat jadi lebih dewasa nd bijak dalam hidup.belajarlah buat memaafkan...belajarlah buat menjaga perbuatan kalian..kalo ga selamanya cuma akan tengelam dalam kebencian..sungguh orang yg merugi"
"FOR THE AF : i pitied you all, trying to run from your life-problem, trying to blame others just doesn't make any sense, and you're pointing them as the place where you put out your hatred (but you don't even know who they really are). it's so sad that you're living your life like that, nobody is perfect, you know... see more.. try to live and learn the difference, learn to be a smart grown-up person, learn to forgive, learn to watch your attitude or else, you'd just drowned in "hate"..it's really a loss"
i love it! (': elfs, i am so proud of you!
is elfs anti of SNSD? that is WRONG! i'm sure most elfs love SNSD, right?
well, that's all for now.
haters, prepare for another post. (:
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