kyuhyunnie, the magnae. the youngest member of super junior. VERY talented altho he is very very very YOUNG! i didn't even believe a man of his voice could be so young! and you're saying that he's not talented?! you seriously have ear problem &tottaly blind.
another childish looking member (apart from donghae, wookie, kyuhyunnie). and to tell you, kibum here is an actor too. ACTOR. (:
wwwooookieee opppa! and did you ever listened to his voice? another unique voice like yesung &kyuhyun. and yes, they're all very talented. very cute, very good-looking. so you haters can stare and gawk all of their picture that im'ma put for HOURS AND HOURS AND REGRET IMMEDIATELY LIKE SERIOUSLY! XD
one of the HOTTEST leader among the hottest. are you blind or something haters? can't you see teukiee is so daaaaaaaamn hot that he actually can beat you in any way? :D
well yes, this is chullie oppa. he LOVES to kiss ppl, and so what? we ELFs thinks that its CUTE and not gayyyyy! so stop judging~ or maybe you're just jealous, cause when you kiss your friends, instead of getting a "cheer" like chullie did, but you got harass and called as "gay".
HANKYUNG (: well yes, you must be hating this picture but i'm not bothered, wanna know why? even all oppa act like a total dork, they still look cute in EVERY way. you see my point? this "nerd" looking picture just really look awesome than your stink-ass face. :D
Yesung. aaaaah, really? you hate HIM?! are you kidding me? his voice are like, so uniquee! damn unique and high that you really can't resist the goosebumps! his is very talented and you have to admit that you cant even deny that, sucker.
and yes, this is KANGIN. still, you have no good reason to hate him. he may not so slim but did you even bothered to watch "attack on the pin boys" ? did you even look at his BODY? THAT IS NOT FAT FORSAKEN! IT'S A DAMN MUSCLE SO STFU! look at those smile, can you actually give a damn cute smile like that? i bet you can't. :D
don't you dare to put that damn smirk when ya see this picture. firsty, he is the "slimmest" among all but the again, we ELFs still love him because HE CAN DANCE AND CERTAINLY, HE CAN RAP! :D BEAT THAT HATERS.
sungmin (: yes, just admit it. the oppa are super perfect with killing smiles and killing eyes unlike you haters. you got pretty face but you're evil as hell so GTFO! even he's wearing like, what, a mickey shirt, ELFs really really still think that he made mickey look hot! ;D

hyuk jae or FAMOUS known as eunhyukkie. and yes, he is so CUTE that he actually will stuck his face like that even he's growing older. unlike you haters, you grow OLDerrrrr, much older than your real age.
aaaaaaaah. how can you ever have a heart to hate this angelic looking angel? (:
and one more thing, his dad passed away and you really shouldn't talk bad stuff about his parents. what kind of animal are you? you're worst than an animal. fuckface.
you can't be hating this perfect looking guy? i mean look at those pack. look at stare at them, you can't resist to ignore it, seriously. HAHAHAHA. and sides, look at those lips, those nose. aaaaaaaah, STILL, YOU HAVE NO GOOD REASON TO HATE HIM!!!
happy? (:
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