i am very amused to see this picture, really!
i was sure for one thing : 89% peoples on your lame-fucking group is ELF who tried to defend OPPA. so bitches, wanna talk shit with us? who's winning here, actually? :D
i would love to see your asshole face when you read this, especially that bitchy girl. huuuu! and oh yeah, you stupid jerk is super wrong with "ELFs is anti-snsd". seriously, are you dead serious? trying to make our name look bad? excuse me, HAHAHA. nothing could ever get in our way, we will still be oppa's shield. first thing, you're REALLY confused. maybe yes, some of us might be jealous when seeing SNSD with SUJU but we, aren't jealousy like the AF's, we still love SNSD because they're under the same company. and they're HOT as well like the others.
and oh, i found this so to be called "anti-kyuhyun" sites, regarding about him insulting hankyung.
i mean like, i know that you love hankyung, because I AM TOO! and you really have no reason to hate kyu oppa just because one POST that you weren't even sure that was for hankyung. you're wrong, get that? kyuhyun, which i am really sure, LOVE all the members. i'm sure by 'all', includes hankyung so why would he wanted to say bad stuff about hankyung? and even if it was for hankyung, kyu must have a good reason. you know how stressful the years for oppa, right? kyu sure is stress so that's why he posted something like that.
like you, how would you feel when something just began to messed up? all this years, you've been happy without any serious case like hankyung's case? would you still continue be happy or even, felt to messed up because you doesn't understand "why" hankyung was doing that. so please, if you hate kyu, it means you hate them all. and again, by "all" - that does include hankyung.
i'm not saying this because i am more on kyu's side ; it;s because i felt bad for him. you don't even know what he meant by his post and you're like, being an ass. as a fan, you really should understand on both side. hankyung&kyu sides, i mean. and i am here, posting this so you "anti" could actually understand what kyu &hankyung felt.
"even a beast don't bite the hand that feed one..."
"i can't understand..."
see, this text, can make us jump into lot of conclusions.
like maybe, he doesn't understand what's going on.
and i'm surely sure that this text doesn't meant for hankyung.
he love hankyung, for sure. and we all know hankyung is NOT a "beast" even kyu was only saying "beast" for example. you got me? don't simply hate a person without even knowing what the truth was.

haters, i am so pleased to see your "oh-theyre-super-suck" face.
i am very amused to see you hating them.
cause really, it make you look like a fool.
stupid, to be exact.
because i'm sure you're dead blind.
can you see how happy they are? on how much they love each other?
do you even realize that they're so damn hawt?
i'm sure you don't, you're busy shitting yourself.
that's all, haters.
prepare for next one (:
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